How to find latitude and longitude of a location in Google Maps?

Step 1:

Open the Google Maps website ( and key-in the location details in the search box.

Google Maps - Search Box

Step 2:

Select the location in the search results for which the latitude and longitude are to be identified.

2. Choose desired location within the search results

Step 3:

Zoom-in as much as possible and right click on the exact location for which latitude and longitude are to be identified. Then, please choose the ‘Center map here‘ option displayed in the pop-up menu.

3. Choose the center map here option

Step 4:

On the address bar of your browser, key-in the below javascript code.


This will display the latitude and longitude of the location in question within a dialog box as portrayed in the image below.

4. Javascript code

Step 5:

An alternative method to identify the latitude and longitude is to click on the ‘Linkhyperlink on the right top corner of the Google Map sub-frame and glance at the contents displayed in the text box below the label – ‘Paste link in email or IM‘ (as shown in the image below).

5. Click the 'Link' hyperlink on the right top corner


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How to reset forgotten root password in Linux?

The root password for the Linux system can be reset by booting it into the Single User mode which is also termed as Emergency mode or more popularly known as Rescue mode.

If the boot loader installed on your Linux system is GRUB, then please follow the below listed steps to reset the root password.

  • Select the line which specifies the kernel to be loaded.
  • Press the ‘e’ key to edit the entry.
  • Choose second line (the line starting with the word kernel).
  • Press the ‘e’ key again to edit kernel entry
  • Append the letter ‘S’ or word ‘single’ to the end of the line.
  • Press the [ENTER] key
  • Press the ‘b’ key to boot the Linux kernel into single user mode

After the booting process completes, mount the ‘/’ and ‘proc’ partitions using the below listed commands.

# mount -t proc proc /proc
# mount -o remount,rw /

Issue the 'passwd' command to change the root password.

Finally, reboot the system employing the below commands.
# sync
# reboot

If the boot loader installed on your Linux system is not GRUB but LILO, then please follow the below mentioned steps to reset the root password.

  • At the Boot: prompt displayed by the LILO boot loader, type linux single and press the [ENTER] key:
  • Allow the system boot and when it displays the # prompt, type passwd to reset the root password.
  • Finally, reboot the system by issuing sync followed by the reboot command.


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What is the difference between exit() and _exit() system call?

Should I employ exit(int status) or _exit(int status) to exit() from a child process? Does this question haunt you quite often? If so, this post is for you.

The exit() method which is part of the C library routines calls the kernel system call _exit() internally.

The responsibility of the kernel system call _exit() includes asking the kernel to close any open descriptors, free the memory used by the process and perform terminating process clean-up. Whereas the exit() call takes care of flushing the I/O buffers and perform additional clean-up before invoking _exit() internally.

In simpler words, exit() performs clean-up related to user-mode constructs in the library, and calls user-supplied cleanup functions whereas _exit() performs only the kernel level cleanup for the process.

It’s always advisable to use _exit(int status) in a child because employing exit(int status) can lead to stdio buffers being flushed twice, and temporary files being unexpectedly removed.

Finally, exit(int status) is defined in stdio.h and _exit(int status) is defined in unistd.h file.


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